Tuesday 22 March 2011

Tips for Aspiring Fashion Models

I thought I would share some useful tips and intellegence that I have gathered whilst studing modeling and working with aspiring models over the last 12 months. 

I hope these tips help.. let me know if you have anything to add to the lists or experiences you'd like to share on our blog.

1. Legitimate agencies will NEVER ask you for any money upfront.  Agencies make their money by charging you a commission. They will advance you the cost of travel, tests, comp cards, lodging, etc.

2. A healthy body, clear skin, and healthy hair are also key - models now tend to have a few more curves and muscle tone than previouly.
3. Hair shouldn't be over permed or processed. When you are starting out, go into your agency like a blank slate. Let the agents decide what hairstyle will work best with your look and for the clients in their market and go with it. They know what they are talking about. You do not want to show up to a casting with bleached hair looking like you've been dragged through a hedge... oh i've seen it and that goes for to guys!

4. Never go to a photoshoot with an amateur photographer if your agency has not set up the shoot for you. There are a lot of shady people who will do anything to get a young guy or girl alone and undressed or worse. Choose a
legitimate photography company and check out their credentials and their insurance policies - for a starter for 10 they must have a website / blog or portfolio (those are just the basics..)

5. If an agency turns you down, don't be discouraged. Continue to go to open calls or submit your photos to other agencies.  Everyone has a different niche to fill and if you have what it takes you will eventually get signed.
6. Persistence and a tough skin is key to success in this business.

I'm sure I'll think of more items to add to this list....but this will have to do for today!  
Blog post by

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Enter our facebook competition and win a photoshoot, make-up and an 18x24" canvas of your favourite image from the shoot.

Simply click the link below and fill in the form (don't forget to upload an image)

Once you have entered your image will be posted on our facebook business page, you must then campaign and get as many people as possible to LIKE our business page and LIKE your picture. 

The person with the most LIKES at 12noon on 1st May 2011 WINS!!

Good Luck!
