Tuesday 5 April 2011

Charlie & Ruby Portrait Photoshoot

As you can see Charlie had loads of fun down during his Portrait session down at the Elbowroom Studio. 

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Tips for Aspiring Fashion Models

I thought I would share some useful tips and intellegence that I have gathered whilst studing modeling and working with aspiring models over the last 12 months. 

I hope these tips help.. let me know if you have anything to add to the lists or experiences you'd like to share on our blog.

1. Legitimate agencies will NEVER ask you for any money upfront.  Agencies make their money by charging you a commission. They will advance you the cost of travel, tests, comp cards, lodging, etc.

2. A healthy body, clear skin, and healthy hair are also key - models now tend to have a few more curves and muscle tone than previouly.
3. Hair shouldn't be over permed or processed. When you are starting out, go into your agency like a blank slate. Let the agents decide what hairstyle will work best with your look and for the clients in their market and go with it. They know what they are talking about. You do not want to show up to a casting with bleached hair looking like you've been dragged through a hedge... oh i've seen it and that goes for to guys!

4. Never go to a photoshoot with an amateur photographer if your agency has not set up the shoot for you. There are a lot of shady people who will do anything to get a young guy or girl alone and undressed or worse. Choose a
legitimate photography company and check out their credentials and their insurance policies - for a starter for 10 they must have a website / blog or portfolio (those are just the basics..)

5. If an agency turns you down, don't be discouraged. Continue to go to open calls or submit your photos to other agencies.  Everyone has a different niche to fill and if you have what it takes you will eventually get signed.
6. Persistence and a tough skin is key to success in this business.

I'm sure I'll think of more items to add to this list....but this will have to do for today!  
Blog post by

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Enter our facebook competition and win a photoshoot, make-up and an 18x24" canvas of your favourite image from the shoot.

Simply click the link below and fill in the form (don't forget to upload an image)

Once you have entered your image will be posted on our facebook business page, you must then campaign and get as many people as possible to LIKE our business page and LIKE your picture. 

The person with the most LIKES at 12noon on 1st May 2011 WINS!!

Good Luck!


Thursday 27 January 2011

Keeping Healthy for your Wedding Day.....?

Regularly eating fresh fruits and vegetables is the natural way to boost your immune system.  These great-tasting fruits and vegetables are nature's way of keeping you healthy and ensuring you feel vibrant and energetic on your Wedding Day.  
Natural foods that are high in Vitamins: A, C, E, B-6, zinc and folic acid are beneficial in supporting the immune system.  It is much more fun to eat your way to health than to take pills or supplements anyway, so here are 5 suggestions that are sure to give your immune system the boost it needs this winter.

Blueberries are high in Vitamin B, another important immune system booster. Blueberries are easily eaten plain and are also good as a topping for yogurt or cereal.

Kiwi is loaded with Vitamin C despite being very low in calories. Two medium kiwi add only 90 calories to your diet but deliver a whopping 240% of the daily value for Vitamin C. The kiwi will also provide 450 mg of potassium and four grams of dietary fibre. That is a lot of benefit from such a small fruit. Kiwi is great eaten alone, in a fruit medley, or as a topping for yogurt.

Strawberries are another Vitamin C storehouse with eight berries delivering an astonishing 160% of daily value for Vitamin C. These strawberries will also provide 170 mg of potassium while only adding 50 calories to your diet. Strawberries are great to eat alone or easily mashed into a sauce to serve as a dessert with biscuits. Strawberries also go well with a fruit salad.

Oranges are frequently associated with Vitamin C. One medium-sized orange delivers 130% or the daily value for Vitamin C. An orange also provides 250 mg of potassium yet has only 80 calories. Oranges are great eaten plain or easily juiced to make a nutritious drink.

Broccoli is an excellent source of Vitamin C with one stalk containing 220% of the daily value. This one stalk of broccoli also provides 460 mg of potassium, three grams of dietary fibre, and four grams of protein. Broccoli can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, or served in many other cooked dishes and contains only 45 calories.

These fruits and vegetables provide tasty ways to support your immune system.  A variety of green and yellow-orange fruits and vegetables is the natural way to support your immune system or give it the boost that it deserves.  
Do yourself a favour next time you are at the market and stock up on nature's immune system boosters and have a very happy wedding day.

Friday 21 January 2011

Which white will work for my skin tone?

With more than 200 shades of white to choose from, the only way to know which one looks best on you is trial and error.  Contrary to popular belief, few wedding dresses come in pure white - which is a good thing, because pure white washes out all the richest and deepest skin tones.
Most women will end up with a wedding dress in the ivory family that flatters their skin tone. Keep these suggestions in mind: 
1)  If you're fair-skinned, look for ivory shades containing yellow undertones.
2)  If you have a pinker complexion, choose creamy undertones.
3)  If you have olive, yellow-based, or dark skin, select champagne or off-white shades.

This happens to be 1 of my favourite images, the bride had no idea that our camera was watching, myself and Anthony who was our lead photograher for this particular wedding; were discussing how we should direct her in this specific location, whilst John who was our candid photographer kept his eye on the action and captured this image without her knowing,
She was having a lovely moment to herself and looks very relaxed. 
Candid images can sometimes be the best, tell us what you think of this image.. leave a comment.
Call now 0845 226 9441 and ask for a quote!

5 Top Beauty Tips for Brides

Brides are booking their venue, photographer, buying a dress, shoes, flowers, cars, and choosing a make-up artist and stylist 6 months to a year before their wedding day.  5 beauty tips a Bride should remember when preparing for her big day?
1.  SKIN- Start now to prep your skin.  You should begin monthly facials to clear up the skin. If your skin is in need of a bit more help, than by all means take advantage of a Dermatologist it will be well worth it.  Finally, start a normal skin care regimen at home to maintain your clear skin, help make your photos look as natural as possible.
2. MAKE-UP - If you don't normally wear make-up do you need to glam up for the big day! Answer is a little more than usual, foundation needs to be slightly heavier as it helps filter light and prevent a washed out look in your photos.  You can have your makeup artist create several palettes on your face and then try our your favourite on your pre-wedding shoot, that way you can see how the make-up works. 

3. EYES /GLASSES- Should you learn to wear contacts or remove your frames for your big day.  Most think it will make weird reflections in the pictures or take away from your beauty.  Remember that you can be you, and be happy on your day.  If you feel best in your glasses, than we would suggest replacing your lenses with A/R(anti-reflective) coating to avoid the glare in your photos. 
4. HANDS & NAILS – Photographers will take images of you exchanging rings, signing the register, your bouquet and creative shots of you and your new husband holding hands after marriage, remember ladies you may have started your beauty treatment before your big day but make sure he puts on the hand cream at least 2/3 months before the wedding, especially if you like a man who gets his hands dirty… don’t want any dirt under those finger nails. 

5.  HAIR- Conditioning, trims every six weeks and think about growing your hair slightly it can help with the final style.  Most women want the up-swept look and we know you need length for that. If your hair is too short and you want length, now would be the time to consult with an extension specialist.  You will want the look of your extensions to be natural and undetectable.  Have them practice styles monthly until you decide on the one you like.

Were very excited about this years wedding season, photographing numerous wedding.  If you are a blushing bride in the Manchester, Cheshire or Lancashire area book us now as the season is booking up quickly!! dates are very limited.

Thursday 20 January 2011

So, are you camera shy?

You don’t have to be the most confident person in the world to get through life without a hitch, but to have that little bit more confidence is always a plus.  As photographers we meet so many people some love the camera and are a natural and some well… are just plain scared.
Below are 3 tips which will help you achieve better photos from your shoot.
1)  Preparation & Planning....  Soon as you have booked your shoot speak with the photographer and let them know your fears, being scared is natural so make sure you let us know your fears, I’m sure we’ve heard them all before.  The photographer will talk you through step by step exactly what is going to happen at the shoot and give you loads of creative options so you can decide what’s right for you and prepare yourself 

“Planning & Preparation = Success”

2)  Want to take a risk....  You may be a really confident person but would love a photoshoot that pushes your boundaries ie: boudoir or lingerie, we have a female photographer on site should you feel more comfortable.  Don’t ever be embarrassed or scared to ask, photography is our art and we take it very seriously, some of the most valuable paintings and photographs in the world are those of natural beauty.
3)  What if my kids don’t like it….   They say never work with Children or Animals – we work with both so hopefully that sums it upJ.   We always recommend that families attend a 15-20 minute consultation at the studio a minimum of 1 week before your actual shoot.  That way you can talk through ideas with the photographer and leave with a clear vision for your family shoot, it’s also a chance for the children to have a look round so on the day it’s not a strange environment.  We occupy the 1st floor of a Mill; it’s very spacious and ideal for families.

To book a shoot simply complete our online enquiry form and a
member of our team will email you a price list..

Wednesday 19 January 2011

WIN a 10 page modelling portfolio

Are you 16-19yrs and would like to win Professional Photoshoot and a 10 page printing portfolio.


Simply email us at info@elbowroomphotography.co.uk your name, age and location.  Those entered must be aged 16-19yrs.   

Join our facebook page for updates and other fantastic offers coming for 2011.

http://www.facebook.com/elbowroomphotography make sure you follow us on twitter:  www.twitter.com/ER_Photography

Do we judge a book by its cover?

Take poor Andy Sugden (Kelvin Fletcher) currently going through a really hard time in Emmerdale, he's been accused of burning down the village!! when we all know it was that nasty detective.  

Our photographers have had the pleasure in meeting Kelvin first in person at Michelle Marsh's wedding where we took this picture of him enjoying the night. 

He is was a very pleasant and down to earth person - question: have any of you thought to yourself.. I don't like him because you don't like his character?... well your not the only one.. and boy were we surprised, he's a really really nice man and likes a good party :-)

Have you ever met an actor or actress who you thought was a really nice person, yet their character is a nasty piece of work. 

Leave a comment below and tell us your storey.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

You want me to trash my Wedding Dress, are you mad?

Actually its not about destroying or trashing the dress is all about creating some wonderful, unusual and more fashion like images of you in your wedding dress in different locations.
We realise that this isn't everyone's cup of tea but this new idea has swept the USA and is quickly catching on in the UK and it doesn't have to be extreme. Its just an excuse (who needs an excuse) to wear your wedding dress again.
Why can't you produce these images on the day?, normally as wedding photographers we are restricted by both time and the fact that the bride wants to do everything on her wedding day to keep her dress immaculate.
Imagine a sunset at Rhyl or Blackpool lol... we can make it look like an imaginary location... or how about horse riding in your dress... that could be fun. 

Do you still have your wedding dress, if so then why not book a Trash My Dress session.

Contact us on 0845 226 9441 or email us at info@elbowroomphotography.co.uk

Sunday 16 January 2011

Shoes, Shoes & More Shoes

We all love our shoes "don't we ladies" every style, ever colour we must have. No mater how big our wardrobe theres always room for more shoes..

To celebrate our love of shoes, take a look at some of these commercial images recently taken in our photography studio in Manchester.   I know i'm thinking.. maybe i'll pop to the Trafford Centre after work.  See you all there. 

I've also added a little poem for those of you who really do LOVE SHOES

New shoes

New shoes, Red and pink and blue shoes.
Tell me, what would you choose, If they'd let us buy?
Buckle shoes, bow shoes, Pretty pointy-toe shoes, Strappy, 
cappy low shoes; Let's have some to try.
Bright shoes, white shoes, Dandy-dance-by-night shoes,
Perhaps-a-little-tight shoes, Like some?  So would I.
BUT Flat shoes, fat shoes, tump-along-like-that shoes, Wipe-them-on-the-mat shoes,That's the sort they'll buy. 

Please note that Elbowroom Photography own copyright for all these images, 
they are not to be downloaded from this blog. 
If you would like to purchase any of these images then please contact us on 
0845 266 9441 or visit our website 

Join our Facebook now and take advantage of all our discounts and competitions which we run throughout the year... 

Father & Son Photoshoot

A sight that will melt the hearts of mums all over world.  A father & son photoshoot - the images really capture their loving relationship another truly magical moment captured on camera. 

I Love You Dad... by Frida Wolfe

I love you because you're my father,
But you're really so much more;
You're a guide and a companion;
You and I have great rapport.

You pay attention to me;
You listen to what I say.
You pass on words of wisdom,
Helping me along the way.

Whenever I'm in trouble,
You always have a plan.
You are the perfect father,
And I'm your biggest fan!