Wednesday 19 January 2011

Do we judge a book by its cover?

Take poor Andy Sugden (Kelvin Fletcher) currently going through a really hard time in Emmerdale, he's been accused of burning down the village!! when we all know it was that nasty detective.  

Our photographers have had the pleasure in meeting Kelvin first in person at Michelle Marsh's wedding where we took this picture of him enjoying the night. 

He is was a very pleasant and down to earth person - question: have any of you thought to yourself.. I don't like him because you don't like his character?... well your not the only one.. and boy were we surprised, he's a really really nice man and likes a good party :-)

Have you ever met an actor or actress who you thought was a really nice person, yet their character is a nasty piece of work. 

Leave a comment below and tell us your storey.


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